Month: June 2023

  • Warhammer 40k: Fifteen Hours review

    Fifteen HoursMitchel Scanlon2005 A good guardsman doesn’t think, he only hates. What a thrill to look into the world of the average Imperial Guard soldier. Fifteen Hours tells the story of a green recruit getting into his first mission against the enemies of the Imperium, but, but the accidental negligence of the never ending bureaucratic…

  • Dragon Magazine #39 Review

    Dragon #39 The Dragon is evolving. We now have a new style of cover and some small tweaks to the formatting and quality of the magazine. Already starting strong! This issue has a set mixed of articles, though. The D&D ones that are mostly focused on game mechanics and variations are a little weak and…

  • WAD Review: Unholy Realms

    Unholy RealmsBrian Knox (Snakes)2013Link: Two of my favorite things – unholiness and realms, combined! How could I say no to this little piece of history right here? Unholy Realms is a one-man-megawad, (with some guest stars) released in 2013, and was under development for three years. Created by the mysterious Snakes, it was his…

  • WAD Review: Nuke Mine

    Nuke MineBy Jason Hargreaves1994Link: Well, well, here we have a little old-school gem from 1994 that seems to have been pretty forgotten by the majority of, well, everyone. You don’t usually see it mentioned that much in reviews or threads, and even less in top lists comments, and while I certainly don’t think it…

  • Warhammer 40k: Brothers of the Snake review

    Brothers of the SnakeDan Abnett2007 Brothers of the Snake is a thrilling, unique and fantastically humane look into the universe of 40k. Woah what a ride. First of, I must admit I wasn’t aware this novel is actually an anthology of connected short-stories featuring the same characters. That was a sour surprise at first, until…

  • Warhammer 40k: Slaughter at Giant’s Coffin

    Slaughter at Giant’s CoffinL.J. Goulding2017 The fall of a world and the last stand of a chapter. Well, this was an interesting yet mixed read. After coming from The Devastation of Baal, I felt like reading a little more about the tyranid battles and how the astartes defend themselves against such a threat. The Scythes…

  • Warhammer 40k: The Devastation of Baal review

    The Devastation of BaalGuy Haley2017 Let our death redeem us! The first installment in the Space Marine Conquests series (which is simply a new name for the old Battles series) catapults us into one of the most pivotal events in the galaxy, the Battle for Baal, at the end of the great third war against…

  • Warhammer 40k: The Lords of Silence review

    The Lords of SilenceChris Wraight2019 Through pestilence, honour and horror. This is a rather unique novel in the greater Warhammer universe; taking the point of view of the Death Guard, specifically the band of the Lords of Silence, Chris Wraight transports us through worlds filled with disease and pus, through realms where suffering is joy…

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